Star Walk 2 Free helps identify planets, stars, and clusters from the backyard. It is the next generation of best-selling stargazing guide, that has surpassed 10 million downloads to date, features all-new interface design, true-to-life 3D visualization of constellations, deep sky objects, and man-made satellites.
Star Walk 2 uses the GPS and compass in user’s phone to pinpoint their location and show where all the surrounding celestial bodies are, even if the view is blocked. It delivers an effortless journey through thousands of stars, comets, and constellations. App’s features include all-new interface, true-to-life 3D visualization of constellations, deep sky objects, and man-made satellites. All-new exclusive handcrafted artwork for constellations, inspired by minimalist low-poly art and stunning new sound effects create an unforgettable stargazing tool.
Important addition to the Star Walk 2 app was made in cooperation with scientists of Braunschweig University of Technology, who have been working on volumetric visualization of deep space objects. As a result of this partnership, Star Walk 2 is the first astronomy guide to introduce plausible three-dimensional models of planetary nebulae.
Star groupings of the 88 officially recognized constellations are also presented in volume. Users can see them as separate entities, turn them around and take a look from the other side. Complemented by articles on connected myths and history, this is the most comprehensive collection of information on constellations.
Star Walk 2 is a sequel of the well-known Star Walk app that was released back in 2008 and has acquired more than 10 million users across the world on iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle, and Windows Phone. It’s been an educational best-seller for over five years and won multiple awards, including Apple Design Award in 2010. Star Walk lets users easily find and identify thousands of stars, satellites, and comets in real time. Using built-in digital compass and motion tracking, this stargazing guide turns the phone into a full-on planetarium.
Star Walk 2 Free ayuda a identificar los planetas, las estrellas y cúmulos desde el patio trasero. Es la próxima generación de mayor venta guía de observación de las estrellas, que ha superado los 10 millones de descargas hasta la fecha, cuenta con nuevo diseño de la interfaz, visualización en 3D reales como la vida de las constelaciones, objetos de cielo profundo, y los satélites artificiales.
Star Walk 2 utiliza el GPS y brújula en el teléfono del usuario para determinar su ubicación y espectáculo en el que todos los cuerpos celestes que rodean son, incluso si la vista está bloqueada. Ofrece un viaje sin esfuerzo a través de miles de estrellas, cometas y constelaciones. características de APP incluyen totalmente nueva interfaz de visualización, reales como la vida 3D de constelaciones, objetos de cielo profundo, y los satélites artificiales. Todas las nuevas obras de arte hecho a mano exclusivo de las constelaciones, inspirado en el arte bajo poli minimalista y unas impresionantes nuevos efectos de sonido crear una herramienta de observación de estrellas inolvidable.
adición importante a la aplicación Star Walk 2 fue hecho en colaboración con científicos de la Universidad Técnica de Brunswick, que han estado trabajando en la visualización volumétrica de los objetos del espacio profundo. Como resultado de esta asociación, Star Walk 2 es la primera guía de astronomía para introducir modelos tridimensionales plausibles de las nebulosas planetarias.
agrupaciones de estrellas de las 88 constelaciones reconocidas oficialmente también se presentan en volumen. Los usuarios pueden verlos como entidades separadas, darles la vuelta y echar un vistazo desde el otro lado. Complementado con artículos sobre mitos conectados y la historia, esta es la colección más completa de información sobre las constelaciones.
Star Walk 2 es una secuela de la conocida aplicación Star Walk que fue lanzado en 2008 y ha adquirido más de 10 millones de usuarios en todo el mundo en el iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle, y Windows Phone. Ha sido un éxito de ventas educativo para más de cinco años y ganó varios premios, incluyendo el Premio de Diseño de Apple en 2010. Star Walk permite a los usuarios encontrar e identificar miles de estrellas, satélites y cometas en tiempo real con facilidad. Utilizando una función de brújula digital y el seguimiento de movimiento, esta guía de observación de las estrellas se convierte el teléfono en un planetario lleno-en.
Star Walk 2 Free helps identify planets, stars, and clusters from the backyard. It is the next generation of best-selling stargazing guide, that has surpassed 10 million downloads to date, features all-new interface design, true-to-life 3D visualization of constellations, deep sky objects, and man-made satellites.
Star Walk 2 uses the GPS and compass in user’s phone to pinpoint their location and show where all the surrounding celestial bodies are, even if the view is blocked. It delivers an effortless journey through thousands of stars, comets, and constellations. App’s features include all-new interface, true-to-life 3D visualization of constellations, deep sky objects, and man-made satellites. All-new exclusive handcrafted artwork for constellations, inspired by minimalist low-poly art and stunning new sound effects create an unforgettable stargazing tool.
Important addition to the Star Walk 2 app was made in cooperation with scientists of Braunschweig University of Technology, who have been working on volumetric visualization of deep space objects. As a result of this partnership, Star Walk 2 is the first astronomy guide to introduce plausible three-dimensional models of planetary nebulae.
Star groupings of the 88 officially recognized constellations are also presented in volume. Users can see them as separate entities, turn them around and take a look from the other side. Complemented by articles on connected myths and history, this is the most comprehensive collection of information on constellations.
Star Walk 2 is a sequel of the well-known Star Walk app that was released back in 2008 and has acquired more than 10 million users across the world on iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle, and Windows Phone. It’s been an educational best-seller for over five years and won multiple awards, including Apple Design Award in 2010. Star Walk lets users easily find and identify thousands of stars, satellites, and comets in real time. Using built-in digital compass and motion tracking, this stargazing guide turns the phone into a full-on planetarium.